Tuesday, January 17, 2012

An Information Processing Theory of Learning and Forgetting

Review of a Journal Article by Andre, Thomas (An Information Processing Theory of Learning and Forgetting)

Its a very interesting article that talks about how information is processed and how sometimes it can be lost or not retrieved. Andre talks about how the IP model views learning as a process of storing, retrieving, and out putting information from a permanent memory.

What was new to me was his discussion on how the pattern of information determines how the information will be processed. He considers the pattern a type of stimulus and takes into account the response that is required to that stimulus at the moment of learning. I would equate this to the learning environment.

Andre continues to discuss how the pattern is most important when influencing the storage location in long term memory. As far as storage location is concerned , this concept is new to me but makes sense how the same type of information can be stored in different locations based on what kind of pattern is influencing the new information.

Andre suggests that multiple storage locations may account for forgetting; coupled with a limited amount of time to search the storage address system in turn resulting in a failure to retrieve information.

The IP theory can account for output interference (inability to output recalled information): if the initial stimulus and elaborative information (which determine the address of the stored information) cannot be reconstructed, the information will not be retrieved. -Andre Thomas

I would like to learn more about reconstruction of the information that Andre mentions.

The full article can be retrieved at:  http://www.eric.ed.gov/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=ED063075 

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