Building a Collaborative Online Environment

Collaboration is the success in almost every environment learning, work, relationships etc. By engaging with one another you can enhance and promote learning. It also increases the efficiency of work and reaching the goal you hope to achieve. Collaboration also helps to grow an individuals knowledge and thought processes. By working together and sharing ideas you can improve your ideas and others by fine tuning elements associated with each. You can also determine that an idea that you might of had may not be the best idea or process from the feedback of others. In the online environment, it is imperative that they be active knowledge generators who assume responsibility for constructing and managing their won learning experiences (Conrad & Donaldson, 2011).

This week you will begin your discussion by thinking of situations you were a part of in a collaborative asynchronous online environment and reflect upon them.
- How can subject matter experts and instructors incorporate activities that promote collaborative learning in an online environment?
- What have you learned that could promote collaborative learning? Ex: ADDIE
- What are some positives and negatives that could occur when working in an online environment when collaborating with peers?
- What are some pieces of advice you could offer to your peers?
By Wednesday:
Using these items as a guideline to create a discussion post, reflect on your learning experiences in an online collaborative environment that promoted learning. Be sure that you included experiences that promoted and incorporated positive online learning. Feel free to include examples of situations that were difficult or did not work when collaborating. Provide a minimum of 3 examples from the questions above.
By Sunday:
Reply to at least three of your classmate’s initial post and provide insight,constructive feedback, and ideas that expand and deepen the initial discussion post.
Discussion rubric:
Additional Learning Resources
Conrad, R., & Donaldson, J. (2011). Engaing the online learner. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint.